The Downsizing:

The Downsizing: Follow our adventure as we prepare to send one child to college, the other to kindergarten and attempt to renovate a tiny, circa 1950 farmhouse of just under 1200 s.f. The house has been sitting vacant for several years following a past renovation attempt that went awry by a previous owner. Our goal is to accomodate an active family of 4 (plus Mulligan the Westie) in a much smaller (yet stylish) space which will hopefully free up more of our time and financial resources. In addition to renovating the house and half acre of land, we'll be doing some serious editing of our possessions since we're coming from a home twice the size. The property borders an up and coming development featuring new homes along with a town center, shopping, and schools all set in a rural farm village setting.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Screen Porch Season

Long time, no blog... (well, it is our busy season.) 
Here's an update on what's been happening at the homestead lately.

The screen porch got a fresh coat of white paint, inside and out.

Our favorite view from the inside.

Yes, this is our theme for this space... "Eat, Drink and be Merry!"

The room was actually designed around this table.  It once lived in a school library (evidenced by all the chewing gum I once scraped off the bottom). It's been re-refinished (yes that's twice by me) with a coat of liming wax (ala white tint) followed by a coat of clear wax.  We know the elements will weather it more, but we're going with it. It's too good to leave in storage and it didn't fit in the kitchen.  So we'll just enjoy!

Comfy chairs were a must for this multi-purpose space.  Here they are decked out in their newly covered cushions.

I took apart the old cushions to make patterns for the new ones.  A bit tedious, but the easy fit made it worth the effort.

Slightly worn, distressed furniture is perfect for this space.  A little more weathering won't hurt this $35 garage sale find.  We were told it was a barber stand in a former life.

These inexpensive ($30) lights from Lowes are perfect for the look and the budget. Even though they are outdoor rated the reviews were a little suspect.  They should be fine under cover.

 Unused accessories from indoors work fine out here.

 An old milk jug from the family farm works well and helps camo the satellite dish.

Simple Ball canning jars make great outdoor candles.  The sand gives it natural look with the added bonus of making it easy to replace the melted candles.  (hint: don't try using a butter knife to scrape out old wax... the jar won't survive--ooops)

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